Wandering thoughts of an old collector.
* Baseball season is here. Spring training has started with games right around the corner. It's that time of year that always gets me excited about baseball! Right now, no matter who your favorite team is, they all have a chance at winning it all. Okay, there are a few who don't, but for now, the optimism is at an all-time high!
* '25 Topps is out. I still don't have any, but I will really soon.
* I've still got to finish my '24 Topps sets for my grandkids. I've struggled with staying focused on finishing them. I think it will be easier when they get a little older and we can do it together.
* I've noticed that my YouTube baseball card watching has declined. I think it's because the videos seem to be on repeat. Everything seems to be the same. It's gotten boring instead of informing.
* Went to the local Goodwill store and not a single card in sight. I keep hearing about people finding all kinds of cards at Goodwill, but I've never seen cards there.
* My youngest grandson was at the house the other day and was looking at the piles of cards on my desk and asked about his cards. I had an extra Evan Carter sitting on top and gave it to him to take home...he thought about it for a second and then tossed it back on the desk(it was in a top loader!) and was done. Maybe one day...
* Shout out to Johnny's Trading Spot! I got 4 envelopes stuffed with Rangers!

* Do you know what drives me absolutely crazy? When I know I have a card, or cards, and it's not where it's supposed to be and I can't find it.
* I've been updating TCDB with my player collections and found the rankings link. I'm in the top 25 of Corey Seager (Don't think I'll ever catch Night Owl!), #13 of Wyatt Langford, #3 of Marcus Semien and #2 of Evan Carter. Not that it matters at all. I've got to be very careful about checking it now that I know about it. I'm too competitive and will try way too hard to win and I can't afford that.
* Speaking of my player collection, I've had them in top loaders and stored in boxes, but I've decided to change and put them in binders. Right now, I've only done Seager, Semien, Carter and Langford and they are all in one binder. The plan is for each to have their own, but I want different binders than what I put my completed sets in, but I don't know what I want.
* I keep seeing that there are more cards being graded than ever. At the same time I keep seeing more and more people say they are done with grading cards. I think graded cards will be around, but I'm pretty sure it won't be as prevalent in the future or at least a lot different than it is now.
* I'm still looking for that sweetheart deal at a garage sale or estate sale. So far, no luck.
* Still working on my "Players that I like but don't collect" posts. It's really harder to do than I thought it would be. I do think that I'm limiting each team to only 9 players.
* I have officially completed my 1986 Topps set. After a trade with bkrementz on TCDB, I was down to two cards. Off I went to buysportscards.com and picked up the last two cards for my set for 25 cents each. Now they do have a $3.00 minimum so I grabbed a couple of Clayton Kershaw's and an '82 topps Garry Maddox for my '82 set.

For a bunch of ramblings, this turned into a much longer post than I anticipated. I guess it's time to call it!
Isaiah 40:31