Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Seventies-My Favorites Round 2

Round 2 for my favorite baseball card sets of the '70s

Just a reminder, I'm not ranking these sets in any order, they are just my favorites of the decade. Just like when I list my least favorite sets, it doesn't mean I don't like them, it means I just don't like them as much. They are still baseball cards and baseball cards are greatness!

The next favorite Topps set from the '70s is the 1975 set. 

This 660 card set is one of, if not the most colorful set produced. The '75 set is one of the most easily recognized sets out there. I love the multi-colored borders. This set looks great in a binder with the mix of colors.

The pictures on the cards are mostly posed but there are some that aren't, like the Brooks Robinson and Fergie Jenkins. 


The short bill on Robinson's helmet is interesting to say the least. I know a lot of people don't like the facsimile autograph on the cards, but I don't mind them. 

Like most sets, this set includes the play-off subset ALCS and NLCS play-off cards and World Series cards. League leader subset cards and '74 Highlight cards are also included in the set. 


 I know that card #660 isn't part of a subset, but I like the fact the Hank Aaron opens and closes the set after breaking Ruth's home run record in '74.


I really like the league leaders cards that have both leaders in close ups like these. 



I'm always a fan of the playoff and World Series cards. It's a great reminder on how the season went when I'm going through my cards. 

Out of all of the subsets in '75, I think my favorite subset is the MVP cards from 1951 to 1974 that depict both the AL and NL MVPs. 

Here's some more cards of the set that I really like. 



I love Johnny Bench cards when he is squatting like he's catching. I just like Schmidt. Gibson and Ryan pitched the same way...with attitude which makes both favorites for me.

Even with all of the Hall of Famers in the set, when talking about the '75 set, the topic almost always goes to the two big rookie cards of George Brett and Robin Yount. 


Brett and Yount aren't the only two good rookie cards in the set. The other prominent rookie cards include Gary Carter, Jim Rice, Keith Hernandez and Fred Lynn.



I like the position rookie cards. I think I like individual rookie cards better, but I like these better than team rookie cards. I always thought Fred Lynn was going to be a Hall of Famer when I was growing up watching him play. Same with Keith Hernandez. I knew Carter would be and wasn't sure about Rice. I guess that shows you how much I paid attention to the players that weren't Rangers. 

I would be willing to bet that the 1975 Topps set is probably in the Top Ten all-time sets. It definitely is in mine. This was the first vintage set that I ever completed. This was also the first set I ever sold. It still hurts a little to this day. I'm sure you can tell, because I mention it every time I write about it! I've got a pretty good start on replacing it though. I'm about 35% complete. I've been pretty picky on the condition of the cards I get, but even still there's a lot of cards to get to complete it. I've already got the Brett, Lynn and Hernandez rookies, but still got to get the Yount and Carter rookie cards.

Let me know about your thoughts on the 1975 Topps set. 



Isaiah 40:31


  1. All-time favorite set, first set I ever collected, am currently doing a countdown of the whole damn thing, those are my thoughts.

  2. appropriate with the recent release of the Heritage throwback

  3. Second favorite Topps flagship set of the 70's.

    Fifth favorite Topps flagship set of all-time.

    I've never attempted to rank my all-time favorite baseball sets, but if I did... there's a good chance it falls in the Top 10. Off the top of my head, I can't think of five sets that would push it out... but there are hundreds and hundreds of sets to consider and it's been a long day... so I'm gonna stop thinking about it right now.

  4. '75 Topps is definitely a good one. I do like the colored borders.

    -They are still baseball cards and baseball cards are greatness!
    One of the greatest lines I've ever read as a card-blogger. How true it is!


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