Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve

 As I sit here late at night on Christmas eve reflecting on all of the blessings I have received this year, I have decided that I am a very blessed man. I have a great wife who puts up with my baseball card collecting, great kids and their spouses that I enjoy every moment I get to spend with them. 7 grandkids that make me laugh and give great hugs to their Papa. More family and friends than I can count who love and support me. I am very blessed. 

This year I got to add something else to my many blessings; my blogging and card collecting friends. 

Now I realize that I haven't ever met any of them and all of our communication has been through comments on blogs, emails, TCDB trades/messages or random acts of kindness packages sent through the mail, but to me, they are my friends. People that I get to share card collecting with who actually understand and don't just nod their head pretending they are interested or have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about. 

As I sit here sipping some egg nog and finishing up this post, the clock strikes midnight and it's Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas fellow collectors! I hope you are more blessed than I am this Christmas morning!



Isaiah 40:31


I want to give a shout out to my friend, Night Owl, for the cards he sent me way back in November! Sorry it took so long to say thank you. The 1986 Topps go towards completing the set and Kershaw heads into my Kershaw collection. 



  1. It does sound like you have a great deal to be thankful for. Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas blessings to you! Jesus is the reason for every day. Count your blessings one by one.

  3. Hope you had a very merry Christmas! The card blogging community is pretty special and definitely adds an extra layer of fun to the hobby experience.


Ramblings of an old collector

Wandering thoughts of an old collector. * Baseball season is here. Spring training has started with games right around the corner. It's ...