Saturday, February 10, 2024

Thoughts on TCDB

It's been about 10 months since I really started using TCDB with my collection and I thought I'd give some thoughts about it. 


I started listing complete sets and then my player collections because I figured it was the easiest way to figure it out. It was. Then came the monumental task of entering in all of the years that I was working on and the duplicate cards that I had. I started with the older ones first, because I didn't have as many of them. It was going pretty smooth until I got to about to 1987 Topps and it began to slow down. 

I kind of jumped around at that point and listed some sets from the 2000s. It's kind of like my collecting history. I started strong in the beginning, hit a downturn and then started back. That hole that is the middle of my collection is the same hole in my inventory on TCDB. It's not like I don't have any cards from that time, I just haven't bothered to put them in. You'd think those would have been the easiest and most important ones to do, but I just haven't. If the haves and the want lists were there, I probably could have started acquiring those missing cards through trades. 

I've still got a long way to go to get all of the Topps sets listed and their duplicates. Plus, I have a ton of Fleer, Donruss and Upper Deck to list too. I think listing all of my cards is going to be one of those never-ending projects. 

I have run into one little snag with inventorying my cards. If I make a trade, TCDB does it for me. If I pick cards up at a show, the card store, or bust open some packs, some of the time I forget to put the cards in TCDB before or after I put them up. I've really got to figure out a system or I'm going to have to back track and recheck everything. 


I recently completed my 50th trade. 

Nothing great in the trade except in got me a little closer to completing a couple of sets. 10 months and 50 trades isn't much considering all of the trades that I see posted in other blogs, but I'm pretty happy with it. I do hope to increase that number in 2024. It would help if I had more cards in they system. I need to get busy! 

In those 50 trades, I accumulated almost 1000 cards and traded away a little over 600. I had a few bumps in the road on those 50 trades. Got taken on a couple(my fault, not theirs), had a couple of trades get lost in the mail and received some very generous trades from people.

I've also received some cards that weren't in the condition that was stated or implied. So far, everyone has been great when I send a message back about the condition of the card. I don't know about you, but I try really hard to make sure that the cards I am sending are as stated. I will be honest, I didn't inspect each card as I was listing them. When I pull one out and its dinged on a corner, has a crease or is mis-cut enough, I let the person know so that they can decide if they want to continue the trade or not. 

Shipping on trades is a whole other topic. My post office basically, limits me to sending 4, maybe 5 cards in a PWE. One time I was able to send 8 cards, but the rest of the time it's a no. So, any trade I make over 4 or 5 cards costs me a BMWT. Still trying to figure out the best way to ship cards. 

Has anyone used Heard about it somewhere, but haven't checked it out yet. Let me know if you have it or have any other suggestions.

I have received all kinds of envelopes/packages in my trades. Most have been in #10 white envelopes with inexpensive 9-pocket sheet protectors. Most have a thin piece of cardboard on the front and the back. Some don't have anything. Some have common cards surrounding the ones in a trade(my favorite, because I get bonus cards!). The worst one I got was a 2 card trade and sender surrounded the 2 cards with common cards taped together with masking tape. I tried really hard to take the tape off and not mess up the cards, but couldn't do it. 

As of today, I've only initiated 3 trade proposals. To be honest, it's taken me this long to actually figure out the easiest way to do it. Yeah, I know, makes sound like an idiot, because its really easy to do. I think my problem was the first time I tried it, the system was slow or not working and it messed me up. I think I got it now.

Overall, my experience with TCDB has been positive one. I will definitely keep adding my collection in, making trades and meeting new collectors. If you're not using TCDB for your collection, you should check it out. 



Isaiah 40:31


  1. I would suggest buying a cheap scale and your own stamps so you can bypass the USPS clerks and line

  2. I agree with Mark. Buy a scale and a bunch of .24 cent 1 ounce stamps. It will pay off on both time and not overpaying for postage. Also I am of the opinion the 2 pieces of cardboard do nothing to protect the cards, it would not prevent any damage that could possibly be done to an envelope (bending/water) so save yourself the postage. I use a 9sleeve, tape the exposed tops, and wrap in a piece of paper. If someone is concerned with protecting a card then use a toploader and bubble mailer.

  3. To add to the above comments, I highly recommend using PirateShip to do all your mailing. I've used it for a few years now and you really do seem to get the lowest possible rates (you'll need a postage scale though).

  4. I have used paypal shipstation. It works good for me although I don't do many labels on there. I bought a scale at a thrift store a few years ago. It is one of the best $1.99 I ever spent. Congratulations on the 50th trade. Maybe we can connect on one in the future. My profile name is rjsahl. Sunday blessings to all!

  5. I am positive that it will be impossible for me to get all of my cards listed on TCDB. I was gung ho to begin with, but it fizzed out. Now I pretty much just try to get my new to me Braves inputted, but like you sometimes I put them away in their final resting place before inputting them on TCDB. I wish they would combine their algorythms (not sure how to spell that) with Beckett Organize. Anyways I am going to mail some cards to you and you can see how I send non boxed cards.

  6. Congratulations on 50 trades! I'd love to hang out with someone with a lot of shipping experience and pick their brains on the best way to ship things. I really appreciate all of the feedback people have left in the comments, because every little thing helps.

  7. Yeah, buy a cheap food scale, it'll pay for itself after just a couple of mailings.


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