Saturday, March 11, 2023

Credit cards, but not your normal credit cards.

 I got an email the other day saying my ebay order of a rookie Juan Soto had arrived. In my neck of the woods, we have a a community mailbox kind of like you would find in an apartment complex. I absolutely hate it and we really don't check it that often. When I opened the box, it was jammed full of all kinds of junk mail. I kept thinking to myself, "That card better not have gotten damaged in that packed box." Sitting at my desk in front of the computer, surrounded by stacks of baseball cards, I began going through all of the mail. There were no less than 10 credit card offers in the mail. What a waste of time and money! All of those offers and being surrounded by baseball cards got me thinking about a credit card set I had. 

When you collect cards haphazardly for over 40 years, It takes awhile to go through everything and even then you keep coming across something that you forgot you had. As you can guess, my collection is a mess. It's kind of organized, but I'm pretty sure there's no way I can find everything...yet! I'm working on getting things organized and I've started to put some stuff on, mostly inserts, to help clear things out and maybe get a little money to help add to the collection. As I was going through yet another box that I had no idea what was in it, I came across the limited edition Perma-Graphics Super Star Credit card set. 

I picked this set up at a card show probably 40 years ago as a throw in on a trade/purchase for $20. How I remember it was $20 I have no idea, but I do. I thought these were so different to cards I'd started collecting. 

These cards have sat in the bottom of a shoe box ever since I got them. Yeah I know, its not like finding an old shoe box with a '52 Mantle or '53 Mays, but still it was a cool find. 

There are some really big names from youth on these cards like Rose, Ryan, Bench and Henderson, but there were no Rangers. Probably, because in those days, the Rangers weren't very good. 

The 32 card Perma-Graphics Super Star Credit Card set was released in 1981. In the Fall of that year, they also released a 18 card set of the NL and AL All-Star starters. I think Perma-Graphics released sets for the next 2 years. I haven't seen any of those in person and I can't remember seeing any more of the ones I have in a really long time. 

I just thought I'd share a little of my collection. 


Isaiah 40:31

P.S. The Juan Soto card was perfect!


  1. I don't think I've ever seen one of these in person, just on the blogs! Good stuff.

  2. Love this set! Picked mine up in 2019 on eBay for $9.01 (+ $4.82 tax & shipping). Still trying to track down the 1982 set though.

    P.S. Glad the Soto arrived in perfect condition.

  3. I love these things. Have been kicking myself for 40 years for not ordering them out of Baseball Digest when I saw them advertised every month.

    I'd be finding a different way to receive my mail.

  4. Like Jeff, I've never actually seen any of these in person. And what's more, every time I see them on the blogs, I usually forget all about them until the next time I see them in a post. And despite my inability to remember them for very long, I really do like the look of them.


Ramblings of an old collector

Wandering thoughts of an old collector. * Baseball season is here. Spring training has started with games right around the corner. It's ...