Thursday, March 16, 2023

My Latest Card Show

There's a big card show in the DFW area every other month and I try to go every time. It doesn't always work out that way and it almost didn't work this time either. 

Normally when I go to the show its a Saturday and always jammed packed. This time my Saturday was full of baseball and things that had to get done at the house so, my trip to the show was Sunday after church and lunch with the family. I got to the show a little after 1:00 and the show ended at 4:00. 

Having not been on Sunday, I wasn't really sure what to expect. The best part was there wasn't a ton of people so it was easy to walk the tables, browse, and talk to the dealers without having to fight for space. The worst part? A lot of the dealers had already packed up or were packing up to leave. I'm not sure what I like better, the laid back smaller crowd on Sundays or the crowded floor but a lot more tables with cards to see. 

I picked up my 2023 hobby box to really get started on my 3 sets. I'll give an update on those sets in a later post. I picked up some Mike Trout cards and a Shohei Ohtani out of a dollar box but ended up with a really good deal on these cards.

I know there's a lot of these cards out there, but it's hard to go wrong with Mike Trout and Shohei.

I also got a really good deal on '75 Fergie Jenkins and '78 Reggie Jackson. Both of these cards help complete the sets I'm building.

One of my goals for my collection is to collect the base sets from 1972 to the present. I haven't really started my '72 set yet, but I do have a few of them. I picked up the '72 Clemente at the show. 

I'm a huge Clemente fan. I don't have a lot of his cards, but I'm always looking. I've been searching for a '57 for quite some time now. I actually found one in my price range, but I walked away from it...been kicking myself ever since!

As I was heading out, I went into a side room and found these two cards for a really great price. I have the feeling this was a "the show is coming to an end and I need to sell a couple more cards" deal, but I'll take it!

I am becoming a fan of the '60s cards and the 1957 cards are my favorites from the '50s. I decided a couple of years ago to try and get Hall of Famers as I can and these two fit the bill. I really like the looks of these cards. 


Isaiah 40:31


  1. Whoa. Some really nice vintage purchases there. Whenever there's a weekend show, I always attend on Saturday and pass on Sunday. I've heard the best deals are to be had on Sunday... but that day is reserved for rest and relaxation. The past few years I set up at my buddy's show and Sundays were pretty bad in regards to sales. I didn't track my sales, but I'd guess they were less than 25% of what I sold on Saturdays.

  2. Looks like you did pretty well. You certainly took care of one of the biggies from your future '72 build. And I don't know anything about the current Topps set, but three cards of Mike Trout seems a bit excessive.


Ramblings of an old collector

Wandering thoughts of an old collector. * Baseball season is here. Spring training has started with games right around the corner. It's ...