Sunday, January 28, 2024

Should there be a character clause for the Hall of Fame?

 Congratulations to newest members to the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

Jim Leyland, voted in on 15 of 16 ballots of the Hall's contemporary baseball era committee.


I remember when I first saw that Pirate hat and I thought that's kind of cool...what was I thinking?! The Topps Heritage card gives Leyland a more dignified picture for a manager.

Adrian Beltre, who received 95.1% of the votes.


Todd Helton, who received 79.7% of the vote.


Joe Mauer, who received 76.1% of the vote.


All well deserved (even though Leyland caught me by surprise). 

I heard talk on different podcasts and youtube videos raising questions about the character clause in the voting for members of the Hall of Fame. There seems to be a growing consensus that the character clause should be removed for consideration to become members of the HoF. When the HoF began in 1936, there were no guidelines to be elected. The clause was added in 1945 when the Hall formally adopted rules for eligibility. 

Here's the clause that I found:

"Voting shall be based upon the player's record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played."

I'm sorry, but I don't see a problem with that statement. 

To me, the players that are in the HoF are the players that were revered for playing the game. I don't know about you, but I don't revere those who cheat the game. 

Those who cheat the game...what exactly does that mean? That's a good question. 

Gaylord Perry was well-known for throwing the spitter, but there was never any positive proof that he did, is in the Hall of Fame.

So, does that mean "those who cheat the game" are the ones that got caught? I think that has more weight for me.

What about steroids? Until there was testing in place, all of the steroid use was he said/she said without proof. I am amazed at the number of people who put so much trust in Jose Canseco's book. Don't you think he was trying to sensationalize the book?

The Mitchell report mentions 80 plus players and there were 104 players who failed a secret steroids test. Some of those guys are in the HoF. I realize that was a different time. I don't think I would have a problem with those players who were named or accused of steroids before 2004 when MLB toughened their steroids policy get in. Those after? Yeah, I don't think so. 

What about the Astros with using technology to steal signs? Using technology to steal signs is in the rules. My initial reaction is no, but then again, they are the hated rivals of the World Series Champion Texas Rangers (had to get that in somehow!).

What about stuff that happens outside the ballpark? Phyiscal abuse? Drunk driving? Curt Schilling? Where do you draw the line? 

I think you have to take it on an individual basis. Me personally, I couldn't vote for guy who beats his wife or girlfriend. Now, I will say it can't just be accused, but actually caught, convicted, admits to, etc... People get accused of things all the time that aren't true.

I guess to wrap this up, I don't have a problem with the character clause for the Hall of Fame. Are there players being held out that I think should be in? Yes. Are there guys who are in that I think shouldn't be? Yes. Both of those answers don't tarnish the Hall of Fame as far as I'm concerned. 

Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, January 21, 2024

First Anniversary of Dillard's Dugout

It's been a year and a day since I started this blog.  Looking at the stats on my blog, it looks like over 15,000 views (seems a little fishy to me), most being from Germany???? I didn't realize I was so popular in Europe! Maybe some of you veteran bloggers out there can better explain the stats to me. It really doesn't make any sense. 

I do know there was definitely an uptick in views after I finally got my blog listed on TCDB.

One thing that I found interesting was that my two highest viewed posts were more on the negative side of collecting. The number one viewed post was "To Grade or not to grade". If you read that post, you know that I'm not a fan of graded cards, so it's not a very positive post. I also think there are still a lot of collectors out there trying to figure out to grade or not grade their cards. 

The second most viewed post was "My least favorite sets from the 1980s". I tried really hard to not be too negative because, I mean, its baseball cards so how can it be negative? The title though gives it a negative spin. The 1981 set was the first Topps packs I remember opening. The 1982 set, despite the double hockey sticks was still the best set of '82 and I promise you I have more 1987 Topps cards than I do any other year so, if it's that bad why would I have so many? 

So, what's my point? Is everyone drawn to negative posts? I hope not, because I'm not really a negative person. I'm definitely a "glass half-full" kind of person. The hobby is supposed to be fun. If the fun ever wears off then it's time to find a new hobby.

Now there are stats that I do understand. I have 14 followers, made 27 posts and received 117 comments. Not a bad start. I do have a goal to write more in year 2 and hopefully, will pick up some more followers. I have "met" some amazing people through blogging and hope to "meet" many more.

Thank you for all of you who follow the blog and a bigger thank you to those who comment. I really don't believe I'd still be writing this without your support. Hopefully, the writing has improved over time and will continue to get better as I continue to write. I've got a long way to go to catch up to my friend Night Owl. Maybe one day...



Isaiah 40:31

P.S. I can't have a post without posting a pic of a card or two...



Sunday, January 14, 2024

Thoughts of an old collector 1st edition of 2024

 Random thoughts of an old collector - 2024 

*Let's go ahead and get it out of the way...according to a friend I get to own this until the next winner is crowned!

*As a set collector, I think one of my goals for 2024 should be to actually complete some sets. Not just the 3 I collect for myself and my grandsons, but actually finish some of the ones that I've started.

*I got bored one day when I was at Walmart and bought a couple of 2023 Topps Heritage blasters. Big mistake! I actually love it, but man, is it going to be a challenge to complete. I'm down to about 80-85 cards in the first run and about 20 in the high numbers. It's going to be a challenge, but it should be fun.

*I really like the design of the 2024 Topps. It's different. I like the look and believe that Topps Chrome should look really good. I'll stick with the flagship and just collect my players from Chrome. 

*Speaking of 2024, Evan Carter's rookie card will be in there(see above!). I think the Rangers hit on a good one and look forward to grabbing his cards. 

*I started a few subsets this past year, which, for the most part, I've tried to stay away from. For some reason that didn't happen this past year. I'm collecting the World Baseball Classic team USA and I'm down to 3 cards. Mike Trout, Kyle Tucker and Kyle Schwarber. 

*The other two subsets I've started are the All Aces and Father's Day patch cards. I'm about halfway on the All Aces and only about a third of the Father's Day patch. Another one of those, "Why did I start this?" collecting moments. 

*TCDB update is still in the waiting stages. I can't seem to get motivated to get it moving. I know this, the longer I wait, the worse it's going to get. I need to find my motivation. 

*Had a really cool moment with one of my grandsons. He's 3 years old. He crawled up in my lap and wanted to look at his 2023 set in the binder. He pointed at cards and asked who they were, I pointed out the Rangers (to continue the indoctrination!). We went through the book 3 times before he lost interest. 

*Lastly, I guess one of my other goals for 2024 is to try much harder to blog on a regular basis. There are times that I really just don't have anything to say (my wife would disagree with that. She says I could talk to a wall!). I'm going to try though! 

If you've made any goals or have any rambling thoughts, I'd love to read them! leave me a comment!



Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, January 6, 2024

2023 in review and What's the plan for 2024

 2023 was a big year for me and baseball card collecting. Tons of firsts for me. Now I've been collecting for a long time. All the way back to 1981. I started when I was working at First Base card shop in Lochwood mall in Dallas, TX. There have been many ups and downs since that time, alot of those I have covered in other posts. 

Back to 2023. I really decided that I was really going to get organized and develop a plan for my collecting. For the most part I've stuck to it. I started looking around for the best way to get organized and I came upon TCDB. My first, first was trying to get my collection listed on TCDB. I would say for the most part its gone pretty well. I do know that I'm no where near having everything listed and I'm quite sure I've added cards to sets that are listed that aren't on there either. I'm not exactly sure how I correct that without doing inventory. I always hated doing inventory when I worked retail. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do. 

My next first was figuring out how to move cards that I really didn't want or need. I needed a place to sell some cards. I really didn't want to do Ebay, don't know enough about COMC and wasn't sure about social media either. That's when I found I created an account and began listing cards. For the 2023 year, I had 41 transactions for almost $400. I know its not enough to retire on, but its $400 to spend on cards. My little advertisement for BSC is if you are looking for low end inexpensive cards, its a good place to start looking. 

My next first was TCDB trading. 43 complete trades in 2023. Based on what I've been reading over the year in blogs, that's not a very big number, but it was huge for me. I don't think I've ever traded cards before.

Social media card collecting was another first for me. I started following different card groups and bought a few cards. Towards the end of the year I actually made a trade through social media. I kind of like it, but man I hate paying for shipping. Same goes of pickups on Ebay or BSC. 

Last, but definitely not least, I started this blog. It's been almost a year now and I have "met" some truly interesting people. I enjoy reading and commenting on their blogs and especially enjoy when others read and comment on mine. 

What does 2024 have in store for collecting for me? Who knows? I plan to get TCDB up to date, make more trades, work on selling more cards on BSC, maybe do a claim sale on social media and most importantly, keep collecting. 

By the way, did I mention that the Texas Rangers won the World Series?

I know, I know, I'm being a little bit of a pain, but man, I waited a long time for that! 

Let me know what your plans for 2024 are in the comments!



Isaiah 40:31

Ramblings of an old collector

Wandering thoughts of an old collector. * Baseball season is here. Spring training has started with games right around the corner. It's ...